
Inspiring you with the tools to thrive

Dave Crowther

Dave Crowther
Dave co-founded a Web 3.0 joint venture that raised $15 million of venture capital prior to its acquisition in 2006 by the world’s third largest software company. Dave has delivered innovative learning to executive decision makers from 34 countries.

Dave understands that breakthroughs arise from thinking simultaneously in several boxes, not from thinking outside the box, so he was delighted to be one of 470 contributors to the book: Business Model Generation.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the strategic workshop and I am sure this was due to the evident passion that you have for your work. I found the content relevant to everyday decision making and capable of being immediately put to good practical application. It was also lots of fun. Thanks again for a really useful toolkit.” Gerald Ewing, CEO, Unimutual

Jim O'Loughlin

Jim O'Loughlin
Jim is the CEO and founder of JOL Consulting, a company that specialises in improving individual and group performance on complex tasks. As head of investment strategy for a multi-billion pound investment manager, Jim learned the hard way about the ingredients of great decision making and effective learning.

Senior global executives report that Jim’s simple but profound tools, using insights from neuroscience, enhance strategy and improve group performance. Jim’s first book, The Real Warren Buffett, was featured in The Financial Times as one of six outstanding books on great business leaders.

“I have just returned from leading my team through a challenging off-site strategic review of our business. By applying the insights I developed with you I was able to achieve results that exceeded my expectations.” Marianne Morton, Director, Desjardins

Adrian West

Adrian West
Adrian has created value in a changing world, leading a team of innovators at the venture capital funded research spin-off Transitive, acquired by IBM in 2008. He relishes applying the practical thinking skills he developed as The Edward de Bono Foundation UK’s Research Director to facilitate innovation. In the past 5 years he has inspired over 220 cross-faculty innovation teams and is co-founder of Company of Mind.

Adrian brings a fresh perspective to how we interact with the world. He co-founded the Virtual Reality research group at The University of Manchester where he also lectured Computer Science for 13 years, regularly receiving ‘best lecturer’ rating from the students. Adrian West Associates.

"Today I attended Dr West's session. It was awesome - and very useful. He was great at thinking laterally and seeing the real root causes and out-of-the-box possibilities which are not usually visible or realised. That is a very rare talent". Melody Sameni, University of Southampton